Monday, October 6, 2014

Oct 6~ Why I'm Serving a Mission

What's up Everyone!!!
    So to start off my email, I would just like everyone to know my lil' bro Ethan is a Boss- he has 3 eyes right now!!!! Way to take it like a champ Ewee! I remember the same thing happened to one of the players on my team freshman year!! That is so nasty but so sick!!!!

Secondly, I just want everyone to know I legit saw a possessed woman this week! It's the craziest story, but dont feel like sharing it because I dont want to scare the kids, its something from a horror movie...everything that happened...but everything is good.  Maybe in 2 years I will show you all what I wrote in my journal!! 

So, I was really thinking this week why I am serving a mission, or why I decided to serve a mission... the motive that I had was I really wanted to share what I know with all my heart is true, but also to thank God for everything He has given me, my family, friends, this gospel, food, shelter, his Son Jesus Christ, a nice house, and all my blessings. But what I am that God IS never in my debt, never in our debt...and I can never pay him back for everything He has given me. He is literally blessing me a 100xs more than I could ever imagine out here in the mission. Go read Matthew (19:29) it talks about it.  AND despite all the sickness, losing 30 lbs, all the doors getting slammed in my face, or getting cussed out....I can say I am so happy, and am seeing the blessings of the Lord in my life, more than I ever have. The eternal Blessing.  AS Elder Bednar said yesterday in Conference, the WHY, or the reason we want to share the Gospel, is because we have experienced the Sweet Soothing feeling that comes from living the Gospel, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ...And I can testify of this, bringing people and helping them Come unto Christ, to bring them to feel the same amazing feelings I have felt in this Gospel, is priceless. I love you all and I can truly say each and every one of you is a blessing in my life! Have a good week! 

Elder Baca       
*Matt 19:29  "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." 
To Mom and Dad:
Yea mom, so I've been pretty sick...(detailed description but we won't post)...a new rule in the mish is that the pensions need to cook with filtered water so I hope that will help! MOM- love those quotes! AMazing! yah I get to watch Conference this Sat / Sunday...this past weekend was voting and its a country law you can't have public reunions on days of voting!  So I'm getting a new comp Wed , no se quien!!! But I love you guys, and was thinking of all the times you guys have received revelation for me, I am really so grateful, and I apologize for not always following what you have told me...definitely learning so much in the mission, can say that. But I love you both so much and pray for you both everyday and the fam! 

*Elder David A. Bednar's sermon from General Conference, click here.

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