Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18~ Prayer and Futbol and Football


Hope everyone had a great week! This week was super busy and my comp and I didn't get that much time to work!  My week started out on Monday by going to Huancayo for a zone leaders counsel about 7 hours away! It was sweet! Something we are really focusing on here in Peru is retencion!  Then Wednesday I got back from Huancayo, we planned the Multi-Zone Conference and Pday. Thursday, we had the Multi Zone Pday and played soccer and American football which was nice!  Friday, we had our Conference which was really good! We even got to watch the Meet the Mormons movie (in Spanish), which I recommend! It was pretty awesome! 

Something I have learned on my mission is that God really does answer prayers, in one way or another, but in his one due time, and way! 

Have a great week! 
Elder Baca

Don't get trunky!!! Its crazy i only have a year left! Ahhh!! And everything turned out great! We found a chicken place that brought the food, the conference was great, we got to watch Meet the Mormons! I was too busy handing out food, so i didnt get to watch all of it.  But that movie is awesome! We are allowed to watch it in the mission so thats sweet! And M. just got back today, so we will go visit him tonight-he ended up going to Huancayo. And the other kid K. is good, he has learning challenges so we are teaching him way slow.
Thanks for the talk, love you!
Elder Baca

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