Monday, August 10, 2015

August 8~ #Lunes

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great week! 

This past week was awesome, but super busy! We had our zone leaders training in Huancayo on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then our Multi-Zone conference on Friday which was awesome! We had a baptism Saturday as well,  V. Aguilar! He's 13 and a sweet kid. He loves listening to Wiz Khalifa and Tyga which is very strange here hahaha, but we we're working with his family of 6.  His dad leaves every 2 weeks to work, so it was hard for them to progress together but V. was able to get baptized. 

We are teaching a less active family, the Hitler family. The members name is Adolf Hitler in Spanish (Adolfo Hitler), crazy right? But despite the crazy name they are a sweet family that really feel far away from God, and want to come back. 

Something I learned this week as I was studying for an investigator that is having some problems with overcoming a drinking addiction, is that faith really is everything. Faith is confidence, but more than anything faith is action. Having Faith in Christ means having a firm conviction that He is your Savior, trusting him, obeying him, relying on him, following him and loving Him. Faith really means believing in something that you cant see, but something you can feel. I am so grateful for the experiences I am having here in the mission. I know without a doubt our faith in Jesus Christ grows through experiences. Experiences that we choose to have, or experiences that happen to us. The opportunities we have in this life really our for our benefit. Every trial, challenge, problem, happiness, sadness, whatever it may be or whatever happens, I know without a doubt we can rely on our Savior Jesus Christ because He loves us and knows us perfectly, and can help us change everyday, but only if we have faith in Him.

I love you all, look for opportunities everyday to strengthen your faith in the Savior!

Love, Elder Baca 

This is V.!

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