Monday, January 5, 2015

Jan 5~ Yo He Dado Luz

Hey Everyone! Happy New Year! 
I hope you all enjoyed your New Years! So the title of my email is "Yo he dado luz"...which means "I have given birth"! hahah!!  So in the mission, this means I am training a new missionary! Crazy! His name is Elder Oyarzun and is from Chile!! He is awesome too! Training is way fun, I basically just teach him everything there is to know about the mission...the lessons, the life, how to deal with crazy drunks, etc. So it is an awesome learning experience for me as well!  Also I am opening up an area with my Child back in Huancayo, so we are starting from scratch, which is a little rough but awesome at the same time! So that's some sweet news!

SO I spent my New Years day trying to help a 80 year old man with Alzheimer's find his house in the pouring rain. So he told us about 50 different directions, and we went to all of them just to help this poor old guy out!! It was getting way frustrating after a while but I didn't want to leave him in the pouring rain! So finally we were in some random part of Huancayo with this guy (after he was pounding on some random house saying it was his house) and we were just praying to help him I told my comp, say a prayer for him...and the first thing he says after this prayer is that's where he lives!! So we said a prayer, and went to this direction..and his house wasn't there.  But, right by this direction there happened to be a security it was closed but one of the cars was perfectly positioned to where I could see the phone number (crazy) I called it and about 30 mins later security showed up, we gave a description of the man...and it turned out his family has been looking for HIM!! SO YAY! Patience really does pay off! But I hope you all had a great New Years and have a ton of goals for this year!

Love you all!
Elder Baca!
With my comp Elder M. and old pension in Tarma, and her baby rabbits

Mother!!! WOW First off, sounds like you guys had an amazing time! NEW YEARS!! I didn't even REALIZE it was New Years until I woke up to all these fireworks!! hahaha  

I'm a little stressed out because I'm training and OPENING AN AREA!! 
So LEGIT WITH NOTHING!! But its awesome as well! I got transferred BACK to Huancayo in the central of the city! Its called El Tambo.  It's a city feel and the area seems sweet.  My new pension is way nice and cooks good!  My companion is from Chile, named Elder Oyarzun he is 26 and was baptized like 4 years ago!  Love the challenges, it makes this mission more exciting...but more than just relying on myself, its a great time to rely on the LORD, EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA!  Because without Him I couldn't do this! But that's so crazy it snowed in Murrieta!! Lacey sent me pics and I thought she was in Utah but it turned out to be MURRIETA!! SO crazy!! and KIMBA LOL!!!! SO funny happy the lil' chunk could stay in a doggy suite for vacation time hahahah! And yes so crazy about the missionary couple! Everyone's praying and fasting for them! Legit saw him and was talking to him like 3 days before that! MOM! Love those scriptures ! Thanks for that! It sounds like you guys had an amazing time! Hope you all have awesome goals for the New Year and I cant believe JD is coming home this year...dont want to make you trunky! ! Love you mother so much! Thanks for all you do! Enjoy the time with the fam because next year it'll be back to craziness with Jd and I hahahah! Love you! Thanks for the prayers and fasting xoxoxoxo!!!!!

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