Monday, November 24, 2014

Nov 24~ Cambios...and Muchos Cosas Mas

Hey everyone!  I hope everything is going good. So yep I probably had the craziest week of my mission. So last week I got transferred about 20 mins away from my old area with a Elder Mendoza from Argentina and was with him for about 2 days...but while we were walking up to this house, there were a bunch of dogs chilling outside.  So they run away when they see us coming but one of them came up behind me and cheap shotted me in the back of the leg!! SO I had to go to the hospital because the bite broke my skin!!  I am now currently enrolled in rabies shots every 5 days for two weeks!!  But don't worry the bite isn't that big it's all better now.  That night they couldn't give me the rabies shot, so I had to come back the next morning...but the same night after a really long night... I get a call that I am getting transferred to TARMA the next morning after I get my shot!  And my (new) companion is Elder Mason (he has 1 change less than I do, from St George) the next morning, I get my rabies shot and then went off to Tarma! It's such a sweet city...its like the city you have to pass to enter into the jungle cities so the drive was beautiful!  Then while I was unpacking my stuff the taxi that drove me to Tarma...well I got my satchel jacked with all my scriptures, camera, and glasses. :(  SO yah, I was bummed for a solid 3 days about that. Six months of studying in those scriptures! I got some new ones and maybe I can get glasses here. The area I am in is one of the hardest areas of the mission but I am ready for the challenge!! 

But despite all these crazy things that have happened to me this past week, I am still so happy! It's amazing how happy being a missionary and doing the things I do everyday makes me feel!  I am truly grateful for everything God has given me! Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!!

Love Elder Baca

MOther come in mother repeat ooverrrrrrrrrrrr

Hey I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving this week! I love you so much and the fam and I really hope you guys enjoy the holiday seasons!  Sorry I didn't write a lot this week...internet is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy slow and had to write Pres H.!  I love you!

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