Monday, September 14, 2015

Sept 14~ The Chosen Frozen!!!

Hey Everyone!! SO, I GOT TRANSFERRED to .......CERRO DE PASCO!! One of the highest cities in the ENTIRE WORLD, a little bit more than 14,000 ft above sea level!  I am super happy and excited to be here, its insane!! In my zone we are 18 missionaries, and it is sweet because my zone covers the entire city of Cerro de Pasco and the outskirts as well. I am grateful to lead these missionaries here in Cerro de Pasco, because we are the CHOSEN FROZEN. Cerro is a mining city, so there is a giant mine right in the middle of the city (as deep as the Empire State Building). Sweet! My area is called "La Esperanza" or in English the "Hope", and my Companion is Elder Fernandez from Chile, hes sweet! Last transfer there were 3 separated areas in the Esperanza because it is huge, now they shut down one of the areas and just mixed the 3 areas together into one GIANT area, which we cover. SO needless to say, I will have horse lungs by the time I finish here in Cerro. 

The cold season just started, and it is way funny because i went from sleeping with a sheet in Huanuco last week, to sleeping with about 5-6 blankets now!  I love my missionaries here seriously, I honestly feel like I am in the military or something with these guys! hahaha We get up at 5:45am,  3 times a week and go to a near by gym owned by a member (he closes in down for us), so instead of being the little scrawny guys in Cerro, we are going to be in such good shape! The work is really good here.  Years ago Cerro was an area for the "bad missionaries", but now the zone turned into a baptizing zone! Its sweet seeing the progress here. I am grateful for the Lord, and for putting me here in Cerro! Im supĂ©r pumped for the transfers Ill have here!

Something I learned while studying the Book of Mormon this week, is that our Savior Jesus Christ, died and suffered for us so that we can be saved, but also suffered every weakness, temptation, problem, or challenge in this mortal life, so that he can "run to us" when we need Him. I know Jesus Christ is a loving, perfect Savior, that always has his arms open to receive us when we need it. I know that when we decide to follow Him, we decide to change. As missionaries we invite and help people come unto Christ by developing faith in him, repenting, being baptized, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. We invite people to change so that they can receive eternal life.  I know without a doubt this is the truth, I mean the answers are all in the Bible and Book of Mormon, but it is more than just knowing the truth. I sincerely feel it because I have asked God if these things are true, and He has answered me that they are. I am so happy to be a missionary, this is what motivates me to be out here, walking around in the freezing cold all day talking with little Peruvians that live in some mountain city, super far away from home. I do this because I know these things are true, and I know the blessings that come from living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love you all so much! I always keep you all in my prayers! Have a great week! 

Pics of Cerro, everyone has a guard dog but that doesnt stop us! 

HEy mom! Ya, Pres sent out a email to everyone, really stinks, but I'll be obedient! I love you guys so much! Cerro is awesome! Its rainy season right now! Its nice to use my cold weather clothes finally! The ward is nice. Like 130 people, area is huge! Today for Pday Im going to the gym for a couple hours! YAAH!!!!!!! and playing soccer, wow doing cardio here turns you into a horse seriously! We have a nice appt, its insulation is good, but heaters dont exist here, so the sleeping bag and lots of blankets come in handy!  I love you guys so much! Keep it up doing your FHE, scripture study, and 2 family prayers a day! Love you mom!! Until next week! 

Love Elder Baca

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