Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10~ First Email from Peru!

My first email home as a missionary!  So, Peru is SO CRAZY! It seriously is like another world down here but I absoutely love it!  I got in to Lima airport at about 12 am and then went to the MTC with about 45 other missionaries. It was so exciting just to be with all these other guys that are in the same situation as me! SO the best I can describe Lima looking like is a more improverished LA but it is so crazy! Everyone here just honks and drives super crazy for no reason, and since there are a ton of people everyone just seems so rushed!
SO my district is pretty cool! I am the District Leader so what that means is I basically lead all the classses and all the technical stuff and what not. My companion is from Oregon and his name is Elder Packham, he likes to joke around a ton, he's pretty cool!  I love the spirit here at the MTC!  It's basically a mini college campus, barricaded by thesed huge walls in the heart of LIMA, but just constantly can feel the spirit. I seriously feel likeI am in boot camp and getting ready to go fight the outside world.  My day consists of a ton of Spanish classes (I am gettting really good! I can recite the first vision, and bear my testimony, and pray in Spanish) a lot of personal study as well. I have never felt the Spirit so much, just because it is a all day every day ordeal. I feel like after 6 weeks here I will feel so ready and prepared! There are a whole group of Latinos here and I absolutely LOVE them!!! They all just love hanging out even though I dont know Spanish, but they love it when i teach them english, play soccer with them, and just spend time with them. Every night before bed the people on my floor (which are mostly Latinos) we go outside in the hallway and sing a hymn everynight.  It is so amazing singing with them in Spanish!! They are all so loving and love to give me hugs like whenever they see me! The food consists of a ton of rice and meat everyday! And ice cream that tastes like gelato. The first day or two was a little hard just adjusting, but now I couldn't be more excited to just learn and work my hardest!
We went to the temple today and shopping and I am so excited to get out on my mission and interact with the people of Peru! My mission president was actually in the temple today but I just missed him! Without a doubt I know that this church is true and that what I am doing is the best thing for my life, God works in such simple but powerful ways and I feel that everyday here. Whether it is in scripture study, or class, I am always reassured that being a missionary right now in my life, is the right thing to do. I love you all with all my heart and I love this gospel. Lima is amazing!

Love, Elder Baca 

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