Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 25~ The Mish

Hey everyone! 
Hope you all had a fantastic week! Love you all!

So to start it off, I had a bowl of fried shrimp this morning for breakfast with potatoes. It was actually really good, but a little hard to throw it down at 730 in the morning. Anyways I hope you all have a fantastic week. We were able to get 30 lessons this week, and find a lot of people to teach. Our run-away investigator also came back this week, so that was awesome! I'm looking forward to finishing the Book of Mormon this week in Spanish! Such an amazing book that has changed my life. I challenge you all the read it. 

Love you all!
Elder Baca

Mom!! Que tal, como esta mamita linda
Found some new people this week! Mostly from finding. and we are super busy. the plan for today is Monopoly and making some sloppy joes! And idk maybe like Google it for me! Idk whats wrong with it. The left bone ankle looks weird still! They said its a sprain. It stinks! Love you too chau! gtg!

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18~ Prayer and Futbol and Football


Hope everyone had a great week! This week was super busy and my comp and I didn't get that much time to work!  My week started out on Monday by going to Huancayo for a zone leaders counsel about 7 hours away! It was sweet! Something we are really focusing on here in Peru is retencion!  Then Wednesday I got back from Huancayo, we planned the Multi-Zone Conference and Pday. Thursday, we had the Multi Zone Pday and played soccer and American football which was nice!  Friday, we had our Conference which was really good! We even got to watch the Meet the Mormons movie (in Spanish), which I recommend! It was pretty awesome! 

Something I have learned on my mission is that God really does answer prayers, in one way or another, but in his one due time, and way! 

Have a great week! 
Elder Baca

Don't get trunky!!! Its crazy i only have a year left! Ahhh!! And everything turned out great! We found a chicken place that brought the food, the conference was great, we got to watch Meet the Mormons! I was too busy handing out food, so i didnt get to watch all of it.  But that movie is awesome! We are allowed to watch it in the mission so thats sweet! And M. just got back today, so we will go visit him tonight-he ended up going to Huancayo. And the other kid K. is good, he has learning challenges so we are teaching him way slow.
Thanks for the talk, love you!
Elder Baca

May 11~ Mothers Day (Skype)

Hope you all had a fantastic Mothers Day! It was awesome seeing my family yesterday (skyped from our church building) and seeing that my lil bro matured! Shout out to EWEE!! But i really am grateful for my family, and my Mother! Love them so much!

SO we had a couple crazy things happen this past week, our solid investigator M. like escaped from his house, and we don't know where he is at. We also found this 16 year old, this past week (sad story) that was playing basketball with his friends. We decided to show him how to shoot the ball right, and then invited him to listen to us. We came back and taught him, and it turns out his mom and dad both passed away, and he lives with his cocaine addict step dad that beats him and his Grandma. It was awesome being able to help him out with the GospĂ©l, and he came to church yesterday an hour early! Things are looking up here in my area, and this week should be sweet! I am going to Huancayo right now for 3 days, and then Thursday is the multi-zone! It should be a good week! I hope you all have a great week! 
Love you all!

Elder Baca 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 4~ Blessings of the Mission

Hey Everyone, hope you all had a great week! Love you all!

I just want to tell you all I am so grateful to be here in the mission, and I am so grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord in my life. So long story short, my Dad had an angiogram and has Coronary heart disease and was 'minutes' away from having a heart attack this week, but he didn't.  I am so grateful that the Lord is watching over me and my family especially while I am out here serving him in the mission, and my brother as well. I can feel the love He has for me everyday out here, and can feel it even more now thanks to this experience. I love you all, and am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ and for the millions of blessings that they have given me. I am especially grateful for my mom, and for everything she has done for me and for the love she has always given to me! I hope you all treat your Moms like queens this week, but always keep in mind how much your parents have done for you and love you. That is something I have really realized out here in the mission. I love you all, have a great week! Happy Mothers Day!

Elder Baca

April 27~ La Mision

Hey Everyone! 
Hope you all had a great week! This week was a solid week! It went by super fast! We had interviews with the Mission President and me and my companion got to go to lunch with him which was awesome! Also we had stake conference! We found a lot of new people to teach, and have some sick investigators! But we will see how things turn up!

Something I am really learning on my mission is that God really does have a plan for us. He has a plan for us because he loves us and wants us to be happy and see us progress and grow with our families, but wants us to return to Him! This life really is the time to prepare to meet God, to be happy, and to grow! I am so happy I know this plan because it has helped me with any hardship or trial, but more than anything it gives me a purpose and it helps me to strive to be the person GOD wants me to become everyday, not what the world wants me to become. Always keep that in mind and I promise you, knowing that, will help you with anything in this life! I invite you all to learn more about this plan! Go hunt down some Missionaries, and I'm sure they will be glad to help you out!! 
Love you all!

Elder Baca


Hey mom!!  Buenas Dias from Peru! How are you guys! And I feel better! We are getting up and playing basketball in the morning so I actually think that gives me more energy.  I had interviews with President! His father passed away last week at the age of 96!! Good life lived!! But Pres is so funny!  Also he took me and my companion out with the assistants to lunch which was great. Yea times going by fast, we are in the point of the change where we are working hard towards baptisms! Like not a ton of success as far as baptisms but working towards it, so i dont have too many updates on the investigators.  And i cant beleive Sean and Jay are coming home this week, that is crazy wow!!!!!! Love you guys and hope you have a great week!! Dont get hurt!!  
Love Elder Baca